Pokemon Vortex Magic

Trainer Accounts On Vortex

Training Accounts

For easy leveling and Exp. go to computer controlled and type one of these in.

Some Use The (-) in them so if it doesn't show 6 pokemon level 100 with the move splash on all of them then you didn't put it in right.

Trainers name on left and pokemon that work well against them on the right use whats inside these (trainingmember)
1.(Training) : For any sort of Pokemon
2.(Training2 : To train your Flying, Ground, Water and Psychic Pokemon.
3.(Training3 : To train your Grass and Electric Pokemon.
4.(TrainingGrassWater-Grass, Water, Steel.
5.(TrainingElectric-)  Electric
6.(TrainingFireFlying-)  Fire, Flying, Poison.
7.(TrainingGroundFight)  Ground,Fighting.
8.(TrainingRock) -Rock.
9.(TrainingPsychic) -Psychic.
11.(TrainingdragonIce)-Ice, Dragon.
12.(TrainingDarkghost)-Dark, Ghost.
13.(ZedjaWater) - For water type Pokemon,
14.(ZedjaGrass) - For grass type Pokemon,
15.(zedjapsychic) - Psychic type.
16.(zedjaghost)   - Ghost type.
17.(zedjafirereal) for fire,ice, and flying training
18.(zedjasteel) for steel and fighting training
19.(trainingnormal) - for normal

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